Filtered by Category: Meet



“We know that girls are the most powerful force for change. An educated girl has the potential to break the cycle of poverty for herself, her family, and her community. By providing a girl with a bicycle, she can go places – to school, to after-school trainings, community meetings and to health facilities.”

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“With the taanka, we are growing crops, and we are getting enough food daily and no one has to sleep with an empty stomach like before, and I have my own house to welcome you to now.”

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“I want to be a teacher, I want to teach girls so I can provide them good education. They will be progressive and become nurses and teachers, and the future of our village will be good”

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“Now that I have a taanka, it gets filled by the rainwater. The children are taking baths daily. I also take baths, and we have water to drink and water for all the animals too. Many things have improved in my home. Visitors can now drink water here. We can even give buckets of water to people in nearby homes.”

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